June 14, 2007

We have it so easy...

Rick Dugan had this post at his blog. It amazes me and yet it doesn't that word about these things doesn't get around. Think about it for a minute, this would be the equivalent of the Sunday School class that meets in the gym just "disappearing". We need to be in prayer for our brothers and sisters in Iraq and other places unfriendly to the gospel around the globe. Here's and excerpt from the email Rick got... take note of the fact that they still have an attitude of praise.

Being at church was wonderful as usual. I so love these people and the worship was wonderful as usual all of the children were delightful. Then it came to the point in the service where people tell me what has happened. The news today was not good, I listened to the stories of murder, beating and kidnapping. The final toll of kidnaps this week of people connected with of members of the church is 27. None have been returned. In the past week alone the attacks on Christians has seriously escalated. This was mentioned the other day at a meeting, they talked and talked and did nothing. There is so much talking here and such little action. At the moment most of the Christians have moved from Dora and are now living in Churches in Kerada. They do not even have enough food. We are the only Christian group working here and have given away every penny we have and have no more left. People always tell me they can and only want to support projects. There is no understanding of the extent of the crisis we are in. There is Chaos all around. We are in war, there is slaughter, massacre and death all around. Normality no longer exists, there are no projects, no plans just the attempt to live each day.
This is the reality of the crisis we are in. Yet as I talked to our people this morning there was a profound trust and belief in G-d our Father our protector, the One we Love. When you have lost every thing you realise all you have left is Jesus. That is all we have and it is everything

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