April 29, 2007

Matt Redman - Facedown (Welcomed into the courts of the King

How do position yourself as you approach worship?

April 27, 2007

April 26, 2007

Free Music - Songs of Hope and Restoration

The guys from Passion have put together this FREE EP, Hope For the Hokies, that you can download. It's their response to give hope to people feeling hopelessnes after last weeks tragedy. 5 great tracks; anchored by an awesome rendition of "Christ the Solid Rock". Very short download as well. Get a copy HERE

April 23, 2007

Sunday Summary -- April 22, 2007

There was a good vibe at CRMC this morning (IMHO). God is definitely speaking to us about some specific things. Here's the quickie version of the morning service:
  • worship kicked off with the Children's choir singing . Amanda is doing a great job leading this group!
  • Dean Crane did a great job bringing the announcements.
  • The worship team did a great job. I love when multiple elements are in play. We had Christy signing along with the music. God gave us 5 senses, we should use them.
  • Becky Morford sang for the offertory
  • Pastor Bud used some unique visual illustrations (thanks to Calvin and Zack W.) to challenge us to consider if we truly trust the Lord and if we are leaning on Him or our own way of thinking. (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Remember, if you missed the service or would just like a copy for yourself or to pass along to someone get in touch with the church office and we can make you a CD.

April 22, 2007

Cloud of Witnesses

feel fired up to live victoriously???

How to Not Mess Up the Great Commission too Much.

This is how we are supposed to live.

April 20, 2007

Bethel College Genesians -- Live

Live Sunday night at 6PM. Make your plans to bring the whole family to this event. Here's what the group is all about:

The Genesians are a religious drama troupe with the serious intent of presenting spiritual truths through the medium of drama. In the last 33 years, the troupe has given almost 1,000 performances in churches and assemblies in the United States and Canada.
The Genesians take their name from Genesius, a Roman actor in the court of Diocletian during the fourteenth century. In the course of his acting career, he was asked to play the part of a Roman general who became a Christian. During the performance of the play, Genesius suddenly felt the love of God touch his heart so clearly that he stopped acting and told the Emperor Diocletian that he too had become a Christian. When Diocletian demanded that he recant, Genesius refused. He was taken from the stage, tortured, then finally martyred for his new-found faith. Genesius, then, could be considered the patron saint of religious drama, an example of courage and supreme commitment to the cause of Christ

Church Clean Up

Just a reminder that the all church clean up day is tomorrow from 8-12. The weather is supposed to be great! Come on out and join in the work. There are plenty of inside and outside projects to be done. Jobs available for all ages.

Many hands make the work light...

Church Softball

It's that time of the year again. Time to get out and rediscover (AKA strain/ pull ) all those muscles you forgot you had. In the very near future there will be a meeting about the upcoming season. There is also a sign up sheet at the Welcome Center so you can be sure to get the needed information. The league is open to men and women ages 14 and above. Our team, which has never been confused with an olympic endeavor has always been a time of great fellowship and fun for the players and fans alike. Come join in the fun!!!!!

April 19, 2007

Dodgeball - A Spiritual Gift

Do you know what your Spiritual gifts are? Are you using them?

Why do we gather? Something to ponder

I know that we are called to commit to the fellowship of believers at our local church. I also know that we are called to get into the world (but not be of it). This leads to the following questions. They are based from a pastor's blog. Once you have decided your answers, think what that means in practical terms to how we should be going about our lives.

Do we...

Go to the church to gather?, or

Gather as the Church to go?

April 17, 2007

When God Doesn't Make Sense -- A response to the Virginia Tech incident

The tragedy that hit the campus at Virginia Tech yesterday strikes us all in differing ways. We all have concern, compassion, questions, amazement, frustration, and a hundred other emotions; all directed toward God at a time like this. Three things that I wanted to share regarding this incident that will help us to possibly better be prepared to minister to those who go through unexplainable hurt around us. I find great Providence in the fact that just last week Dr. Dobson re-aired is 4 part series on "When God Doesn't Make Sense". This is one of those times we ask how could a loving God allow this to happen. He brings the points home better than I ever could. Check out his podcast at iTunes for free to listen to the series.
The second thing is a prayer that was posted here, on another blog with some responses. Concise but fitting.

Heavenly Father,
Our heart breaks for all the victims and families involved in the tragedy. We pray that You will make Yourself known to all who are grieving. May your presence comfort those who mourn. We pray for the leaders of the school, the police, the doctors, the students, the wounded, the community, and the extended family members. God use the churches and believers to somehow minister to all the broken people. We pray that people would turn to you, oh God. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

The final direction is how can you practically help someone who is hurting; whether from this event or another that life has thrown them. Below are 21 suggestions. If you want more detail and Scripture to accompany these, go HERE

1. Pray. Ask God for his help for you and for those you want to minister to. Ask him for wisdom and compassion and strength and a word fitly chosen. Ask that those who are suffering would look to God as their help and hope and healing and strength. Ask that he would make your mouth a fountain of life.
2. Feel and express empathy with those most hurt by this great evil and loss; weep with those who weep.
3. Feel and express compassion because of the tragic circumstances of so many loved ones and friends who have lost more than they could ever estimate.
4. Take time and touch, if you can, and give tender care to the wounded in body and soul.
5. Hold out the promise that God will sustain and help those who cast themselves on him for mercy and trust in his grace. He will strengthen you for the impossible days ahead in spite of all darkness.
6. Affirm that Jesus Christ tasted hostility from men and knew what it was to be unjustly tortured and abandoned, and to endure overwhelming loss, and then be killed, so that he is now a sympathetic mediator for us with God.
7. Declare that this murder was a great evil, and that God's wrath is greatly kindled by the wanton destruction of human life created in his image.
8. Acknowledge that God has permitted a great outbreak of sin against his revealed will, and that we do not know all the reasons why he would permit such a thing now, when it was in his power to stop it.
9. Express the truth that Satan is a massive reality in the universe that conspires with our own sin and flesh and the world to hurt people and to move people to hurt others, but stress that Satan is within and under the control of God.
10. Express that these terrorists rebelled against the revealed will of God and did not love God or trust him or find in God their refuge and strength and treasure, but scorned his ways and his Person.
11. Since rebellion against God was at the root of this act of murder, let us all fear such rebellion in our own hearts, and turn from it, and embrace the grace of God in Christ, and renounce the very impulses that caused this tragedy.
12. Point the living to the momentous issues of sin and repentance in our own hearts and the urgent need to get right with God through his merciful provision of forgiveness in Christ, so that a worse fate than death will not overtake us.
13. Remember that even those who trust in Christ may be cut down like these thousands who were in New York and Washington, but that does not mean they have been abandoned by God or not loved by God even in those agonizing hours of suffering. God's love conquers even through calamity.
14. Mingle heart-wrenching weeping with unbreakable confidence in the goodness and sovereignty of God who rules over and through the sin and the plans of rebellious people.
15. Trust God for his ability to do the humanly impossible, and bring you through this nightmare and, in some inscrutable way, bring good out of it.
16. Explain, when the time is right, and they have the wherewithal to think clearly that one of the mysteries of God's greatness is that he ordains that some things come to pass which he forbids and disapproves of.
17. Express your personal cherishing of the sovereignty of God as the ground of all your hope as you face the human impossibilities of life. The very fulfillment of the New Covenant promises of our salvation and preservation hang on God's sovereignty over rebellious human wills.
18. Count God your only lasting treasure, because he is the only sure and stable thing in the universe.
19. Remind everyone that to live is Christ and to die is gain.
20. Pray that God would incline their hearts to his word, open their eyes to his wonders, unite their hearts to fear him, and satisfy them with his love.
21. At the right time sound the trumpet that all this good news is meant by God to free us for radical, sacrificial service for the salvation of men and the glory of Christ. Help them see that one message of all this misery is to show us that life is short and fragile and followed by eternity, and small, man-centered ambitions are tragic.

Who in your world is hurting and in need of God's touch?

April 16, 2007

Service Review -- April 15th

Yesterday's worship was filled with scripture and singing that focused us toward the power of the Holy Spirit. A great offertory was shared by Allyson Crane, who sang "Above All". Pastor Bud then shared a message to challenge us out of our comfort zones. Here are a few of the points:

Text: Matthew 14:22-33

I. Confront the fear

- Gen. 12:2, 22:17; Num. 13:27-33, 14:2-4

- all they had to do was obey, God would do the rest

- people would rather remain slaves than to face the fear of the unknown

II. Learn to focus on Jesus

- Peter was fine until he looked away from Jesus

- Mark 10:19-31

III. Be willing to fail

- everything is an experiment when it's new

- are we willing to take a few bumps and bruises to follow God?


- money?

- hold back potential talent/ ability

- relationships?

- how you think?

- your favorite church pew?

** The most important day of the week for the church? EVERYDAY. The church is not contained in a meeting. We are to be active at all times!

** Comfort zones keep us from becoming all that God wants us to be

How will you respond to God's call to get out of the comfortable?????

April 15, 2007

I'm a Christ Follower (Mac vs. PC Parody) Part 02

How do you get ready for church?

April 12, 2007

A good type of loan

We are honored to have this art piece loaned to us. The artist is Danny Mann (Don and Ruth's son). He is an art major and I hear that this work took a whole semester to complete. It is approx. 3 X 8 feet in size and will be hanging in the sanctuary for a few more weeks. Take the time to get close enough to really look into the face of Jesus in this painting. A powerful portrayal for sure. Thanks to Danny for sharing this with us; especially during this season of the year. It added great depth to our Good Friday and Easter services.

April 11, 2007

Gather 'round the Campfire and join in the discussion.

Now that the concept seems solidified I wanted to share the vision for this blog. It was created not as an outlet for one or two people to post about the church. The name of the blog refers to the fact that the campfire has always been the center of the camp. For info, meals, fellowship, news. That's what I want to see from this blog. The main things that I want to happen here are:
  1. Information on the happenings at CRMC
  2. Highlights of events/ volunteers
  3. Encouragement of the body
  4. Discussion of topics that pertain to the church and the Church
  5. a weekly recap of the weekend service

The best way to make this happen is to have multiple posters/ participants. You can do this bt commenting on current posts or if you would like to make a post or become a regular poster, contact me by email and we can make that happen. I would like to find someone who would be willing to make a weekly recap post of the service (songs we sing, important announcements, sermon highlights/ topic, etc), you know, the kind of stuff that will let people know what they missed out on if they have to be away for some reason. If you're interested, let me know. For now, huddle a little closer to the campfire, it's supposed to snow tonight!

April 10, 2007


I have never gotten so much feedback from a message. Here are some stories people have shared with me recently.

1. Just this morning I got a phone call from individual who is involved in hunting pheasants and ducks and also is involved in a Golden Retriever Club. Dave's endeavor is to lead Bible Studies with men in pick up trucks as they meet in the these Clubs. They all ready have their dogs in common. He thought he would call it "Retrievers for Christ." Creative and awesome! Evangelism outside of our Church building walls! What an encouraging call.

2. Yesterday at Church a lady after service shared with me her endeavor. She realized her first endeavor is to make things right in her relationship with God. Incredible! God spoke to her heart!

3. Stan Myers feels his endeavor is to start a home Bible Study with Guys at work and with families here at Church.

4. My grandmother who was in the service feels led to spearhead a prayer ministry in her church.

5. Another person feels led to train and equip people to reach this neighborhood for Christ.

What is your endeavor? What has God placed on your heart? I would love to hear your endeavor stories!

Pastor Matt

Baptism by the Water Cooler

sometimes we make it much harder than it needs to be...

Recital Night is coming...

Whether you are participating or just want to come to watch/ support your fellow CRMC family members; make sure you come this Sunday evening (April 15th) for the latest Recital Night. You never know what you will see. Vocalists, comedy, instrumentals, drama, speeches, iterpretive dance... The snack time that follows is always great too!

Stopping that Gunky buildup

Tony Morgan posted this article in his blog over the weekend. The idea is that just like cars, we have gunk that builds up on us and we cannot run efficiently. Here are the lies and realities that he posted. We all need to take inventory from time to time and ask God if it's time to get the gunk out.

-Sometimes I believe the lie that I can't afford to take a break and rest. The reality is that I'm far less effective in my family and leadership roles when I'm tired and grumpy.
-Sometimes I believe the lie that I'll spend quality time with my wife at the end of the day after everything else is done. The reality is that the last things on my priority list rarely get done.
-Sometimes I believe the lie that I'll get to the big projects after I knock out the more routine tasks. The reality is that there will always be other routine tasks to complete.
-Sometimes I believe the lie that the more I do the more valuable I am to the team. The reality is that I'm not being effective if I'm busy doing the wrong things.
-Sometimes I believe the lie that the little problem I have isn't jeopardizing my leadership. The reality is that most times everyone else is already being impacted by my little problem.
-Sometimes I believe the lie that I need to correct every false statement and negative comment. The reality is that many times those faint voices become a distraction when I draw attention and make them loud.
-Sometimes I believe the lie that goals will be accomplished without a plan if I'm just patient and faithful. The reality is that most goals worth pursuing require counsel and strategy and hard work and commitment.
-Sometimes I believe the lie that I need to jump at a good opportunity. The reality is that someone will always have a good opportunity for me to pursue, and many times those good opportunities squeeze out time and energy to fulfill a great mission and calling.


The old saying states that when you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. Stand your ground in the face of the enemy and He will send the help you need; right on time!

April 8, 2007

I used this picture with a previous post but the image is just way to appropriate for today.

How will you respond to the resurrection and Jesus? The fact is you have to respond in some way, even of that response is to be indifferent... I can't personally see how that is possible. Happy Resurrection Day!

April 6, 2007

Invite someone to church!!

A pastor's blog that I read included the following story that he recieved in an email. Who have you been putting off inviting to church?

Almost 30 years ago, I was a pastor’s wife, living in a small town in NC.Every day a man would walk past our house with his small Pomeranian dog. Astime went by, I would have occasion to talk with him when I would be outsidewith my young children. After some time, I came to realize that Fred was analcoholic. Sometimes it was very obvious that he had been drinking, othertimes not so obvious.
One morning the word spread through the community that Fred had been foundin the park not far from our house, passed out, and having spent the night(a cold one) on the ground there. In my “protected little world,” I hadjust never known anyone “up close and personal” who lived in that world.
Several weeks later, Easter was approaching. One day, I saw Fred walkingdown the street, and as I watched him, I clearly felt, heard, or whatever .. . I knew God was telling me to invite Fred to church. My first thought .. . “He’ll never come to church.”
But I went out the door and stopped him and began to talk to him, somethingwe had been doing for a couple of years now. I finally asked him if he’dlike to come to church with me on Easter. He asked what time I would beleaving and said that if he was going, he’d be waiting on my front steps.
Easter Sunday morning,as I was getting the children ready to go out thedoor, I saw Fred walking across the yard and then sitting down on the steps.I was amazed!
Now my concern was, “What in the world will the folks at church think?”(This was not a NewSpring environment, if you know what I mean.) This was asmall town, everyone knew Fred was the neighborhood drunk, and I becamereally worried that this was going to be awkward.
We got to church and when we walked in . . . the miracle began! I wasright, just about everyone did know Fred . . . and they were thrilled to seehim! He was warmly greeted, given hugs, and I just stood there . . .amazed!
Fred came to church every Sunday after that, and just a few weeks later, heaccepted Jesus Christ into his heart!!! The transformation began! Later, Icame to learn that during the week leading up to that Easter Sunday, Fredhad begun attending AA. I was just one link in a chain that God had begunputting together to rescue this man.
Fred was a fixture at the church, doing anything he could to help. Hebecame one of our most effective greeters. What a testimony to the grace ofGod! He was absolutely devoted to me, inviting every new person thatattended to come to the Sunday School class I taught. The class grew tomore than 60 people (in a church of less than 300).
And here’s the rest of the story . . .A few years later, my husband and I moved away to plant a church inOklahoma. There was some ongoing contact with the church there in NC . . .enough to know that Fred was continuing to serve Christ there in thatchurch. What I didn’t realize, until his death a few years later, was theimpact he had beyond the walls of that church.
At his funeral, it was revealed that Fred had, through the ministry of AA,been responsible for leading more than 160 people into a relationship withJesus Christ, and getting them plugged into the “church of their choice.”Baptist deacons, Methodist elders, and numerous others had been impacted bythe transformed life of Fred.
Perry, I can’t tell you how many times I think about that “nudge” from God.Don’t stop telling your NewSpring’ers to invite, invite, invite. There arelots of “Freds” out there.

It's Friday... But Sunday's Comin'!

I've been thinking about this sermonette all day and this is the first chance I've had to post it. The Good Friday service was great. 7 persepctives on the last 7 phrases of Christ, topped off with a powerful video segment from The Passion of the Christ and communion taken by families. A wonderful way to focus on the power and meaning of the cross. Anyway... these words are here to encourage and challenge. The tough part of our faith is waiting. These thoughts will get you through tonight and tommorrow. See you all on Sunday morning!!

It's Friday. Jesus is arrested in the garden where He was praying. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. The disciples are hiding and Peter's denying that he knows the Lord. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. Jesus is standing before the high priest of Israel, silent as a lamb before the slaughter. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. Jesus is beaten, mocked, and spit upon. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. Those Roman soldiers are flogging our Lord with a leather scourge that has bits of bones and glass and metal, tearing at his flesh. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. The Son of man stands firm as they press the crown of thorns down into his brow. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. See Him walking to Calvary, the blood dripping from His body. See the cross crashing down on His back as He stumbles beneath the load. It's Friday; but Sunday's a coming.
It's Friday. See those Roman soldiers driving the nails into the feet and hands of my Lord. Hear my Jesus cry, "Father, forgive them." It's Friday; but Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. Jesus is hanging on the cross, bloody and dying. But Sunday's coming.
It's Friday. The sky grows dark, the earth begins to tremble, and He who knew no sin became sin for us. Holy God who will not abide with sin pours out His wrath on that perfect sacrificial lamb who cries out, "My God, My God. Why hast thou forsaken me?" What a horrible cry. But Sunday's coming.It's Friday. And at the moment of Jesus' death, the veil of the Temple that separates sinful man from Holy God was torn from the top to the bottom because Sunday's coming.

It's Friday. Jesus is hanging on the cross, heaven is weeping and hell is partying. But that's because it's Friday, and they don't know it, but Sunday's a coming.
And on that horrible day 2000 years ago, Jesus the Christ, the Lord of glory, the only begotten Son of God, the only perfect man died on the cross of Calvary. Satan thought that he had won the victory. Surely he had destroyed the Son of God. Finally he had disproved the prophecy God had uttered in the Garden and the one who was to crush his head had been destroyed. But that was Friday.
Now it's Sunday. And just about dawn on that first day of the week, there was a great earthquake. But that wasn't the only thing that was shaking because now it's Sunday. And the angel of the Lord is coming down out of heaven and rolling the stone away from the door of the tomb. Yes, it's Sunday, and the angel of the Lord is sitting on that stone and the guards posted at the tomb to keep the body from disappearing were shaking in their boots because it's Sunday, and the lamb that was silent before the slaughter is now the resurrected lion from the tribe of Judah, for He is not here, the angel says. He is risen indeed.It's Sunday, and the crucified/resurrected Christ has defeated death, hell, sin and the grave. It's Sunday. And now everything has changed. It's the age of grace, God's grace poured out on all who would look to that crucified lamb of Calvary. Grace freely given to all who would believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary was buried and rose again. All because it's Sunday.

April 3, 2007

Things to do on Easter

So in a moment of semi-boredom I decided to type "things to do on Easter" into Google. The majority of links had to do with crafts and the like. The one that stood out to me was this one from the Telegraph in the UK. They list 101 things to do over the holiday weekend. Funny thing, the only thing I saw closely related to God was that the movie "Amazing Grace" is playing. Art shows, concerts, plays, and the like. You can even catch a performance by the Official Muslim Comedy Tour entitled, "Allah Made Me Funny". Ladies and Gents, the world is passing along it's merry way and does not often any more stop to make even the token notice of God and what He did for us. The art show and Bob Dylan will still be here on Monday (well, Bob is getting old). What are you going to let distract you from the 2 church services that we have this week ? Friday (7PM) is a chance to reflect on the cross. The horror, loss, and grief. But with the caveat that we know the Celebration Sunday (10:15AM) is coming. Ressurection, life, power, eternal life and victory over the enemy. I'm getting excited just typing it. Make your plans and get your friends, family, neighbors, or just the lady you see in the checkout lane to the services this weekend. It IS that important!!